by Lt. Kevin Meyer, Cranberry Police Department
Everyone knows that 911 is the number to call for an emergency response, anywhere in the country. So if you have a serious situation – a fire, a wreck, a burglary, or so on – that’s who you call and that’s the number you teach your kids to call. But what if it’s not really an emergency? What if it’s a request for some other service, like getting a cat down from a tree, or help getting into your locked car, or your dog ran away, or someone’s blocking your driveway? What then? That’s a 911 call, too. The only time you would use the Cranberry Police Department’s administrative phone number, 724-776-5180, ext. 5, is to request a copy of a police report. For everything else, call 911. Why? So they can be documented to make sure no calls are overlooked.