Monday, October 12, 2009

Cranberry talks shop with area officials

Cranberry Township recently played host to a special seminar offered under the umbrella of the Local Government Academy. In fact, Cranberry wasn’t just the host, we were also the subject matter of the LGA’s first Sustainable Development Academy session. Its focus was on the way we’re going about implementing The Cranberry Plan – the comprehensive plan our Board of Supervisors adopted in April.

Altogether, about two dozen officials from municipalities throughout the region joined a number of our own senior staff members at Cranberry Highlands to hear how we are laying the groundwork for the Township’s next 25 years. Presentation topics included waste collection, traffic signal management, zoning, electric power purchasing, carbon emissions, finances and more. And it concluded with a tour of selected sites including Park Place, Graham Park, and the new Westinghouse campus. Of course it’s very flattering that so many of our counterparts in the region are interested in finding out how we do what we do.

But it’s a two-way street; we are just as eager to learn the best practices of our neighbors and finding better ways of partnering with them to achieve a brighter future.