Sunday, August 2, 2009

What’s the deal with Cranberry’s Internet/Video service providers?

A lot of people want to know: when is Cranberry going to get more TV/Internet services? And why are we stopping this or that service from being offered in the Township? The fact is, Cranberry has been actively recruiting video and Internet Service Providers, or ISPs, to provide their services here. It’s purely a business decision by each provider. Local governments have to approve the use of public rights-of-way to install lines and vaults, and we’ve done so with both Armstrong and Consolidated Communications. We’ve also invited Verizon and Embarq to offer those services as well. And while we haven’t heard back yet, we anticipate that they will begin offering them sometime in the foreseeable future. The bottom line is that the Township is poised to help all the ISPs offer their services to Cranberry customers on the same footing. It gets complicated, but if you have any questions, give me a call: 724-776-4806.