Sometimes people will tell me that the only reason the Township is having its Police write traffic tickets is because we need the revenue. Nothing could be further from the truth. If a motorist fails to stop at a stop sign, the basic fine is $25.00, the state returns 1/2 of that amount to the Township, or $12.50. On top of the $25.00 fine, the state levies extra fees of $84.50 that are all kept by the state, so out of a $109.50 traffic ticket, the Township will receive back from the state $12.50, the state keeps $97.00. If the violation is for speeding,the basic fine is $35.00, the Township receives $17.50 of that amount. The cost of enforcing that traffic law is many times that amount, which often includes court time.
So, it is certainly not a revenue generator for the Township as the Township must absorp the costs of its police department. Traffic laws are strictly enforced in the Township by our well trained, professional police department because it saves lives! Excessive speed and careless driving are a significant cause of traffic accidents. Our Police work hard to create a safe community for our residents and visitors. So please, the next time you see one of Cranberry Township's Police Officers on the side of the road with a traffic stop, it is not about raising revenue for the Township it is about keeping everyone safe on our highways, and please let them know you appreciate their dedication to our safety.